
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
How to Cure Anxiety in Just Five Therapy Sessions
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
On Sunday, 13 August 2023, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia)
You are invited to attend the next ASCH Webinar, via Zoom Sunday, 13 August 2023, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia)
Presenter: Dr. Patrick McCarthy
TOPIC: How to Cure Anxiety in Just Five Therapy Sessions
DURATION: Approx. 80 minutes OPD: 4 points COST: AU$20.00
Book via https://www.asch.com.au/asch-webinars/
Every patient with anxiety has sympathetic overactivity that can now be abolished by parasympathetic overactivity using the Magnifying Glass metaphor which contains over 300 embedded suggestions. Every patient with anxiety also has triggers such as unwanted emotions, thoughts, physical feelings and images. These can now be replaced rapidly with positive ones using the 4F technique. Every patient with anxiety makes the mistake of believing those thoughts and that can be abolished and made unbelievable by using the SVM method. Every patient with anxiety thinks like a pessimist and that can be transformed into optimistic thinking by learning the 3P’s technique.
That Quartet of techniques cures about 80 per cent of anxiety cases. The residual 20 per cent are often still bothered by flashbacks to past traumas, upsets, grief, loss, and other negative events in their life. Those can always be dumped and parked and not carried again without ever discussing a single word with the therapist. Absolute privacy.
Anxiety is now finally curable. That statement does not mean they will never have some anxiety. It means they will no longer have to burdened by daily bouts of anxiety that dominates their life.
About Dr. Patrick McCarthy
Dr. Patrick McCarthy MB Chb was born, educated and trained as a doctor in Glasgow, Scotland. He spent four years training to be a GP and a further two years in a mission hospital in Mzuzu, Malawi. In 1986 Patrick immigrated to New Zealand, opening the only medical hypnosis practice in 1996.
A Fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of GPs, he has been president of the New Zealand Society of Hypnosis twice and has conducted workshops with clinical audiences throughout New Zealand, Australia, the USA and the UK.
He has lectured in Hypnosis in New Zealand, Australia, UK, Canada, USA, France, Denmark, Norway and Germany. He is the Hon President of the British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis (Scotland) and for 20 years, editorial consultant to the IJCEH journal.
Visit his website at: https://huia.co.nz/blogs/author/dr-patrick-mccarthy

Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Creating connection in hypnosis: Building on an Ericksonian approach
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
You are invited to attend the next ASCH Webinar, via Zoom Sunday, 25 June 2023, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia)
Presenter: Dr. Robert McNeilly
TOPIC: Creating connection in hypnosis: Building on an Ericksonian approach
DURATION: Approx. 80 minutes OPD: 4 points COST: AU$20.00
Book via https://www.asch.com.au/asch-webinars/
In this webinar, Robert will explore hypnosis as an extension of “the common everyday trance.” He will identify what’s missing for each individual client, identify where to look for this missing resource, and connect it to the problem experience so that the problem can be resolved respectfully and permanently.
About Dr. Robert McNeilly
Dr. Rob McNeillyDr. Robert McNeilly was in a suburban Melbourne general medical practice for 10 years, and had the privilege of learning directly with Milton Erickson. He was inspired by Erickson’s human approach to therapy, and created his own interpretation to assist clients in a respectful, dignified way with the human dilemmas that affect individuals, couples and families.
He founded the CET in l988 to introduce Ericksonian Hypnosis and the Solution Oriented Approach to hypnosis, counselling and coaching in Australia. For more than 40 years, the contribution he brings in his teaching style, writing and unique approaches to learning and therapy allow for a ready application into everyday living and are recognised locally, nationally and internationally, which has included repeated invited presentations at the Milton H Erickson Foundation’s International Congresses in USA since 1980 and workshops in Singapore, Denmark, Finland, Brazil, Ireland, England and The Czech Republic since 1999.
He is co-author, with Jenny Brown, of Healing With Words, Healing the Whole Person, which was published by Wiley, and republished as Doing Change by St. Luke’s Innovative Resources. Crown House have published a series of DVD demonstrations of counselling and hypnosis. Tandava Press have published Creating Connections in Ericksonian approaches to hypnosis and therapy Vol 1 & 2, Learning Hypnosis, and Just Do Good Work.
Students comment on Rob’s easy, respectful manner, and his elegant ability to make complex issues approachable while retaining their essence.
Visit his website at https://robmcneilly.simplero.com

Tuesday May 16, 2023
Treating Pain
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
You are invited to attend the next ASCH Webinar via Zoom Sunday, 21st of May 2023, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia)
DURATION: Approx. 80 minutes OPD: 4 points COST: AU$20.00
Topic: Treating Pain
Book via www.asch.com.au/asch-webinars
Presenter: Richard Hill
Treating pain, what are we treating and why does it work?
Pain is a complex experience that ranges from biological to neurobiological to emotional, and from the non-conscious to the conscious. There are a number of effective hypnotherapeutic methods that work with pain, and some are quite miraculous in their results. So, what is happening? Why do things work? and most importantly, why do the same things not work sometimes?
We will explore some of the fascinating ways that a human being experiences pain that might help us understand what each therapy is doing. Pain is one of the biggest difficulties that people face and suffer. Let us explore and understand what we are doing so that we can do the most good!
About Richard Hill
Richard Hill has lived productively in both worlds of art and science. His first career as a professional actor, singer and songwriter connected him with the felt experience of life, the people in it, and the many potentials within himself. His books and many book chapters range from creative storytelling to his new perspectives on curiosity and possibility culminating in his most recent publications, The Practitioner’s Guide to Mirroring Hands with Ernest Rossi and The Practitioner’s Guide to the Science of Psychotherapy with Matthew Dahlitz.
Richard has completed an undergraduate degree in linguistics and three Master’s degrees in Social Ecology, Education, and Brain and Mind Sciences. He is now a Ph.D. candidate researching “client-responsiveness” as a modern development and the next transformative factor in psycho-socio-cultural therapy.
He is currently the Clinical Science Director of the Science of Psychotherapy online programs and Academy; Science Director of CIPPS college of Strategic Therapy in Salerno, Italy; Patron of the Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (ASCH); and the past-president of the Global Association for Interpersonal Neurobiology Studies.
You can find out more at the science of psychotherapy website: www.thescienceofpsychotherapy.com/ to access hundreds of articles, videos and learning programs, all curated by Richard Hill and Matthew Dahlitz.

Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Hypnosis and Pain-Relief: Changing your Mind about Pain
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
You are invited to attend the next ASCH Webinar via Zoom on Sunday, 16 April 2023, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia)
DURATION: Approx. 80 minutes OPD: 4 points COST: AU$20.00
Book via https://www.asch.com.au/asch-webinars/
Presenter: Steve Woodbury
TOPIC: Hypnosis and Pain-Relief: Changing your Mind about Pain.
Steve will talk about:
Pain as an ancient phenomenon that often seems to resist even the most contemporary of pain treatments. Steve suggests that part of the inability to treat pains, particularly chronic pains, is because of the conscious, body-focused approaches to today’s mainstream medicine. In this talk, Steve will look to Humanity's oldest pain treatment mechanism, the Mind, and how Hypnosis as a treatment of the Mind can bring pain relief.
About Steve Woodbury
Dr. Steve Woodbury has spent his lifetime researching and experiencing many forms of pain treatments from the Western biomedical model through to advanced Zen Trainings overseas. After recovering from extreme and debilitating chronic and acute pain, he was trying to define what it was that he did intuitively that took pain away, after years of mainstream pain treatments had failed.
His journey led to, among other things, his becoming a professional Clinical Hypnotist and to a Doctorate exploring the pain-altered mind-body connection. Steve brings his perspective as a front-line pain sufferer who experienced many misdiagnoses and the short-comings of the current pain system, to developing his own expertise and clinical perspective that focuses on pain and recovery, which uses true Hypnosis as a fundamental in his work with patients.
Visit his website at https://www.hobartmodernhypnosis.com.au

Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Leverage your marketing brand to generate more clients
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
You are invited to attend the next ASCH Webinar via Zoom Sunday, 26 February 2023, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia)
DURATION: Approx. 80 minutes OPD: 4 points COST: AU$20.00
Book via www.asch.com.au/asch-webinars/
Presenter: May Chang
TOPIC: Leverage your marketing brand (personal & professional) to generate more clients
May will talk about:
- Your longer-term planning by starting with the end in mind and the type of business legacy you wish to leave behind.
- What is effective marketing?
- How does it apply to your business?
- What has branding got to do with it?
- Brand – Marketing – Sales are like legs of a tripod.
- Start with a brand & marketing plan.
You will discover:
- Proven processes to develop the basics for your brand and marketing plan.
- The values that form the foundation of your business.
- Appreciate different dimensions of your brand to profile to your clients, followers, and your community.
- Find your voice in things that matter in your business and in your life.
- Marketing channels to unleash that voice.
- How to apply it to a sales process to generate more leads.
About May Chang:
May Chang is a *Personal & Business Brand Strategist * Marketer * Coach * Author * Certified Trainer.
With over 25-year experience in branding, marketing, and sales, she helps professionals and businesses generate more sales opportunities to achieve Top-of-Mind presence with their brands. She coaches her clients through a framework to nurture strong relationships leading to trust.
Her specializations are to:
Provide clarity with your business brand and business values
Identify your ideal client segment/s
Work with less marketing channels but develop greater effectiveness
Develop the content themes and media to engage with your ideal clients
Work collaboratively with clients to keep them on track with achievements and results
Meet consistent milestones to progress marketing activities.
The world can indeed be our oyster, so let’s ‘Unleash the VOICE in your Brand’!
‘Walking the Talk’ with a range of experience and knowledge:
Brand | Marketing | Sales | Project Management
Consult | Coach | Design | Develop | Implement | Measure
Content Planning | Content Themes | Content Writing | Video Development
Digital Marketing | Social Media Engagement | Website Scope & Management
Relationship Management | Marketing Campaign | Community Development
Courseware Development | Workshop Training | Course Presenter
Telstra | Anytime Fitness | Stryder Community Transport | IBM | Able2 | ICL | So They Can | Logica | Taldumande | Agility Marketing
London | Kuala Lumpur | Singapore | Hong Kong | Sydney
Author | ‘Unleash The VOICE In Your Brand’
Certified Trainer | ‘7 Steps To Develop An Effective Brand & Marketing Plan’ (accredited with 8 CPD points) with the Institute of Learning & Performance Asia-Pacific.
May lives with her husband and her Tonkinese cat in Sydney NSW.
Visit her website at https://agilitymarketing.com.au

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Helping Your Clients To Grieve Resourcefully
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Silke Herwald will present a webinar titled: Helping your clients to grieve resourcefully via Zoom On Sunday, 15 January 2023, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia)
Silke is a Master Hypnotherapist, a Master Practitioner of Nuro Liguistic Programming and a clinical supervisor for the ASCH and AHA.
Silke has been supporting the bereaved for many years when she had to become a much better Grief Specialist than she ever wanted to be. Within three years, Silke lost three of her closest - loved ones.. She went even deeper into studying grief, dying and the important role that subconscious processes and hypnotherapy play when grieving.
Silke is a much sought after key speaker and has presented on grief at the 2019 AHA world conference and is a sought-after Podcast guest.
She sees clients one-on-one worldwide and runs a very successful membership for the bereaved.
Her Webinar is about gaining new tools, metaphors and inspirations to help your clients deal with grief resourcefully and grow in their humanity.
Silke will talk about how you can develop:
In this webinar she will present
- The understanding of why “clearing the decks” is a prerequisite to all grief work.
- Tools for working with values and forgiveness concerning grief.
- An in-depth understanding of how to assist clients grieve and grow in their humanity.
- The skill of helping the client take full responsibility for their own grief journey through accessing the client’s own grief resources.
You will also discover:
- Proven processes to assist clients resolve grief.
- The key factors in grief processing: values, forgiveness, acceptance and self referencing.
- How to identify your client’s subconscious “grief status quo.”
- How to uncover and resolve subconscious objections.
- Access inner resources for a resilience-based approach to moving forward.
Silke’s unique way of working with different areas of grief. Grief is not just about death (but this presentation is). How to utilise grief as an exponential growth opportunity. The important role of pre-grieving in building resilience.
Visit Silke’s website at: https://www.australianhypnotherapycentre.com.au

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Virtual Reality: A Valuable Tool For Therapists
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Lyndall Briggs presented this zoom webinar on Sunday, 20 November 2022, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia)
In this webinar you will discover the world of virtual reality and the way it works with clients in a therapy setting. Its value as a therapy tool to assist in the treatment process for your clients.
About Lyndall Briggs
Lyndall Briggs is a highly respected clinical hypnotherapist, who’s been practicing for over 25 years. She is the President of the Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists, a member of the ACA . She has experience in psychotherapy, supervision and working with individuals and couples. However, it is her unique range of powerful guided tracks that are really making a difference in the lives of people worldwide.
As well as being in private practice she works with a brilliant and versatile team co creating the mental massage experience.

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Technology and The Future Of Hypnotherapy
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Matthew Favaloro is presenting zoom webinar on 16 October at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia)
Part 1 is looking deeper at the therapeutic relationship.
In this part we look at a balance between, your therapy skills and knowledge, and interacting with the client. And to be mindful that we know what we're doing as a therapist so much , that sometimes forget to relay this to the person sitting in that chair, which can find the process daunting.
In part 2 and 3 we look at an introduction to creating your own podcast. Have you ever wondered the power of a pod cast?
My background apart from being a hypnotherapist and fascinated by the intuitive sciences, has been in radio and television, and I even produced my own radio show for Bay FM in Byron Bay, so let my experience help you in the best way that I know it can,
We will cover in the webinar working with podcasting essentials, that being the creation of a good topic utilizing your computer, choosing a microphone looking at editing software, and lastly pod cast hosting.
As you all know I produce the podcast for the ASCH here on pod bean. And if you ever wondered how to do this for yourself and make it work for you, then this is an essential webinar to attend, their will be question time so any query can be answered. I really look forward to seeing you at this webinar. This is one to definitely attend.
About Matthew Favaloro
Matthew is a popular webinar presenter. He is a fellow of the ASCH and has been in practice for over 30 years.
Having developed a keen interest in hypnotism during his early teens, he attended the NSW School of Hypnotic Sciences and passed all the required subjects. He became a full member of the ASCH and served on the board in 1986. He then furthered his therapeutic skills by undertaking a Diploma in Humanistic Psychology under the tutelage of Dr. Don Diespecker at the College of Integrated Therapies.
Later, he joined and became president of Professional Clinical Hypnotherapists of Australia (PCHA). During the length of his career, Matthew has also been a member of the Australian Association for Professional Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming (AAPHNLP) NSW, the Counselors and Psychotherapists Association (CAPA), and the Australian Hypnotherapists Association (AHA). Matthew studied Rebirthing and Holotropic Breath Therapy with the Breath Energetics School of Rebirthing, Sydney Australia, where he also learnt BioEnergetics and firewalking.
Matthew has taught the modalities of Hypnotherapy and NLP to a government-accredited VETAB (NSW) standard, as well as currently running the Favaloro Network, which is a mentoring, supervising and educational training program for practicing hypnotherapists.
Matthew is a natural born teacher and loves to educate and share information. He brings a wealth of experience to any workshop or training program that he presents.
More information can be found at https://www.asch.com.au

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
A Master Class in Conversational Hypnosis
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
A Master Class in Conversational Hypnosis with Rhondda Stewart
Zoom Webinar - Sunday, 28 August 2022, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia)
Have you noticed how people limit themselves? Perhaps you have noticed how they stress and find it hard to relax?
Are you interested in helping people learn how to change and be more powerful in the way they think and feel, and become more resilient in life?
Conversational hypnosis is a broad term that gathers together a variety of techniques that support a different way of communicating under one umbrella. Conversational techniques are simply tools that a hypnotherapist uses to help people make profound changes in their lives.
This Master Class is designed to open a window in your mind, change the way you “speak,” help you to discover the power of every word you say, and how to adjust your language and discover how others can benefit from those changes.
You will discover:
- A conversational design to improve conversation and assist others in positive change
- NLP Strategies for communicating more effectively
- The Internal/external Representational System
- How to build rapport and change the way others relate to you
- Step into a successful strategy designed to empower confidence and motivation.
About Rhondda Stewart
Rhondda Stewart has been teaching clinical hypnotherapy, NLP and psychotherapy for over 25 years.
Her qualifications include Advanced Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and NLP, and holds a Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment.
She is a recognized Master Trainer IMDHA, author of Dreams and their Meaning, and has been a journalist for Women’s Weekly/New Idea. She is a supervisor for the Australian Counseling Association, and is a Fellow and Supervisor for the ASCH and Australian Hypnotherapists Association (AHA).
Rhondda s Website https://cloverinstitute.com.au

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
How To ‘Shine Online’ from Behind the Safety of Your Computer
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
How To ‘Shine Online’ from Behind the Safety of Your Computer
Sunday, 22 May 2022, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia)
Presenter: Peter Butler
The Internet is a continual ever changing arena, Your web presence in today's digital world is vital and necessary to your ongoing success and how you build your practice.
Peter walks us through what is best to get your website and social media presence working for you, as well as insights into Google, Instagram and others to just name a few. Peter is a digital marketing website expert with many years in the field, and is well respected for the work that he does.
Peter is driven by results and utilizing what works. In this webinar Peter will shine a light on the best path forward for hypnotherapists in driving not only more clients to your practice, but how to create that niche, targeting the right clients that were all looking for.
The digital market is the future and a valuable tool that we all need in getting noticed, getting clients and building a flourishing practice .
Peter keeps it straight forward, with simple and easy to understand processes and will not be talking technical jargon but will focus on attention and simplicity, by cutting through the noise of what to do in the digital realm and the best pathway forward for you.
This webinar is a must for all those wanting to be successful in not only understanding this invaluable tool the WWW, but steps to mastering the digital age.
Peter and his team have a vast array of technical knowledge know-how and practical steps to troubleshoot any problems you may have where it comes to the WWW, webpages and digital marketing. A must do webinar.
More information can be found at his website: