
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Sensitive Observation and the Nine Voices of Non-verbal Communication
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Sunday, 10 April 2022, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia)
Presenter: Richard Hill
So much of our work with clients is conducted through language and even the silence of private inner work, but our “being” communicates in many other ways. Sensitive observation is a vital therapeutic skill, so we need to know what our other “voices” are trying to communicate to us.
Richard will explore nine of these voices and how we can integrate their messages into the therapeutic experience. Our conscious brain can observe the non-conscious processes that speak to us through brains and processes that are not in our skull! We will explore how to “hear” what is happening beyond just language and emotion. We will discover the wealth of content that the client brings with them into every session.
About Richard Hill
Richard Hill, MA, MEd, MBMSc, is a practising psychotherapist, author, educator, and professional supervisor, Science Director for CIPPS in Salerno, Italy, and Managing Editor and Education Director for The Science of Psychotherapy.
His work with Ernest Rossi, PhD led to the publication of The Practitioner’s Guide to Mirroring Hands, which is a complete approach to therapeutic practice. He is co-author of The Practitioner’s Guide to the Science of Psychotherapy (Norton, 2022). He is Patron of The Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (ASCH); past president of the Global Association of Interpersonal Neurobiology Studies (GAINS); and Director of the Mindscience Institute. His other books include Choose Hope and How the ‘real world’ Is Driving Us Crazy! He has authored numerous articles, journal papers, and book chapters, including The Neuroeducation Toolbox, Handbook of Hypnotic Techniques, Vol 2, Supervision and Professional Development in Social Work Practice, and Perspectives on Coping and Resilience.

Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
From Compassion Fatigue to Compassionate Presence
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
ASCH Zoom Webinar Sunday, 20 February 2022, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia)
Presenter Toni Knight - Psychotherapist, author, presenter who
Specialist in anxiety, burnout and trauma
Toni will begin by defining compassion fatigue (CF), how it develops, and how it relates to burnout and secondary trauma. She will also talk about how to detect CF in terms of signs, symptoms, and tests.
She will continue with prevention and treatment:
- Energy management – the essential practices
- The power principle – empowering yourself and each other.
- Empathy – the great and the less great
- Complementing the empathy resource in session
- Other important features of a healthy client session
Finally, she will touch on preparing a client session, post-session refill, and working on the inner world that you bring to your work.
About Toni Knight
Toni Knight is a psychotherapist, author and presenter who specializes in anxiety, burnout (and CF), and trauma. She has a four-year degree in psychology, a lively private practice in Newcastle, NSW, and 20 years of experience helping people to live values-centered lives. She regularly consults with private practices of professional caregivers and collaborates with OT Australia on resilience programs for staff and business owners.
She believes that professional care-giving is of utmost importance to our community and our nation. It is, therefore, imperative that we value the health and well-being of the people that perform this vital work.
Her website is: https://www.toniknight.co

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Sunday, 12 December 2021, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia) via Zoom Presenter: Tracy Lynch
In this Webinar, Tracy Lynch will present on:
- What is trauma?
- How does trauma sit in the brain?
- What happens when trauma is triggered?
- The Adaptive Information Processing Model
- An overview of Resource Therapy
- Resource staking exercise – getting a bigger boat
About Tracy Lynch
Tracy Lynch Tracy Lynch is the director and owner of Thrive Wellness Hub. She is a counsellor, clinical hypnotherapist, EMDR therapist, and clinical resource therapist/advanced Ego States.
Her passion is to support people to navigate the difficult circumstances and feelings of life and to live a life they love. Tracy is committed to facilitating change. She specialises in relationship coaching, anxiety support, self-worth issues, and trauma processing.
Tracy uses a number of different therapeutic approaches, depending on what the client needs. These approaches include resource therapy, acceptance commitment theory, emotional focused therapy, clinical hypnotherapy, and narrative therapy.
She holds a Bachelor of Education, Post-Graduate Degree in Counselling, Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy, Cert IV in Training and Assessment and a Clinical Certificate in Ego State Therapy/Resource Therapy/EMDR Practitioner. She is a trainer and supervisor of other therapists.
Her website is: https://www.tracylynch.com.au

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Finding Resourceful States
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
A zoom Webinar Sunday, 19th September 2021, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia) Visit https://www.asch.com.au/asch-webinars
In this Webinar Rhondda will talk about finding resourceful states with your clients. When your client feels un-resourceful and limited in different situations, you already have many tools in your toolkit to assist the client. This webinar will offer you a different way of looking at those tools that you already use, and hopefully offer you a tool or two that you haven’t discovered yet.
When we can access the inner wisdom of the unconscious mind in a conscious way, magic happens. Join Rhondda in this webinar and discover:
- How to move a client into a more resourceful state.
- Underderstand how lead and primary representation systems can change the tools you work with.
- How to get the most out of a range of resourceful and spatial anchors to bring about powerful change.
- Move your client to a powerful, resourceful state by learning how to work with overlapping sub-modalities.
- Help your client to rediscover their Power of Excellence.
About Rhondda:
Rhondda Stewart has been teaching Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP and Psychotherapy for over 25 years.
Her qualifications include an Advanced Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and NLP; Master Trainer Diploma of Counseling; Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment; and is a Recognized Master Trainer IMDHA.
She is the author of Dreams and their Meaning, and is a journalist for Women’s Weekly and New Idea.
She is a supervisor for the Australian Counseling Association (ACA), and a Fellow and Supervisor for Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (ASCH) and the Australian Hypnotherapy Association (AHA).
Rhondda's Website is: https://cloverinstitute.com.au

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Finding Genius, Addictions and You
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
A zoom Webinar Sunday, 8th August 2021, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia) Visit https://www.asch.com.au/asch-webinars
In this webinar Matthew will talk about the different types of genius and how we assess IQ, and how we reach and connect with and help the client . Matthew will then be discussing addictions on how to handle them, as well as 'all about you' how you get your message across as a hypnotherapist to the public, so as to generate a flow of clientele.
About Matthew Favaloro
Matthew is a popular webinar presenter. He is a professional member and fellow of the ASCH and has been in practice for over 30 years.
Having developed a keen interest in hypnotism during his early teens, he attended the NSW School of Hypnotic Sciences and passed all the required subjects. He became a full member of the ASCH and served on the board in 1986. He then furthered his therapeutic skills by undertaking a Diploma in Humanistic Psychology under the tutelage of Dr. Don Diespecker at the College of Integrated Therapies.
Later, he joined and became president of Professional Clinical Hypnotherapists of Australia (PCHA). During the length of his career, Matthew has also been a member of the Australian Association for Professional Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming (AAPHNLP) NSW, the Counselors and Psychotherapists Association (CAPA), and the Australian Hypnotherapists Association (AHA). Matthew studied Rebirthing and Holotropic Breath Therapy with the Breath Energetics School of Rebirthing, Sydney Australia, where he also learnt BioEnergetics and firewalking.
Matthew has taught the modalities of Hypnotherapy and NLP to a government-accredited VETAB (NSW) standard, as well as currently running the Favaloro Network, which is a mentoring, supervising and educational training program for practicing hypnotherapists.
Matthew is a natural born teacher and loves to educate and share information. He brings a wealth of experience to any workshop or training program that he presents.
His website is www.alternatives.com.au

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Pre Interview Peter Smith ‘Quantum Consciousness – our place in the universe'
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
A zoom Webinar Sunday, 27th June 2021, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia)
Visit https://www.asch.com.au/asch-webinars
Peter Smith is the author of “Quantum Consciousness – Journey through other realms” and the creator of the Quantum Consciousness Experience. He is a Founder of the Institute for Quantum Consciousness and has trained and accredited a network of QC Facilitators who continue to expand the research base of this remarkable field of work.
He previously created the Hypnoenergetics® modality, blending Hypnotherapy, Energy and Consciousness into a series of therapeutic techniques that have been life changing for many. He trained a network of therapists across Australia and New Zealand and his first book “Hypnoenergetics – The Four Dimensions” has reached audiences around the world.
Peter has always been inspired by his work at The Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy (TNI). He was President of the Institute from 2009 till 2018, when he was asked to take on the role of Director of the Newton Legacy, a role created to uphold the philosophy and integrity of Michael Newton's life's work. Peter was awarded the Peggy Newton award for outstanding service to TNI in 2013 and has trained LBL Practitioners and Teachers in different parts of the world since 2006. He speaks regularly at various conferences, on radio programs and has participated in a number of documentaries both in Australia and overseas.
Peter undertook post graduate studies at the Australian Graduate School of Management at the University of NSW, studied different forms of Hypnotherapy in Australia and the USA and is the winner of the Peggy Newton Award for outstanding service to The Newton Institute.
He has published a number of articles on Consciousness and has written for Nexus Magazine, The Llewellyn Publishing Journal, Psychic News UK and has a regular column in The Newton Institute Research Journal. He is also a co-author of “Memories of the Afterlife”, the final book in the best selling Life Between Lives quadrilogy.
His website is https://www.quantumconsciousness.com.au

Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
A zoom Webinar Sunday, 16 May 2021, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia) Duration approx. 80 minutes
Visit https://www.asch.com.au/asch-webinars
Chris Collingwood is a leader in assisting individuals and organisations to perform with exceptional effectiveness.
Chris is an experienced coach, consultant, trainer and therapist. He has been consulting and leading seminars in NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis since 1986 and is one of the most experienced NLP trainers and consultants creating and applying NLP models in Australia.
He is the co-author with Jules Collingwood of The NLP Field Guide: A reference manual of practitioner level patterns.
Chris’s background includes extensive training with developers of NLP, including the linguist Dr. John Grinder (co-creator of NLP and co-creator of New Code NLP). Chris holds a Diploma in Training and Assessment Systems, a BA degree with a major in Psychology, a Graduate Certificate in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and a Masters in Applied Science – Social Ecology. His website is inspiritive.com.au

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Terry is a very experienced and qualified Hypnotherapist and Nutritional Psychologist with over thirty years of clinical experience. This webinar is titled: Proactively Holistic 50 years in the making.
Terry has been practicing since 1971 Specializing in Hypnotherapy. He is a Supervisor and Member of the ASCH, serving on the board as secretary in 1976.
He is a member of Pharmaceutical Soc. of NSW and Aust.
Lectured at Melbourne University on Psychopharmacology and hypnotherapy and Acupuncture over Heroin Addiction He also specializes in Nutritional Psychology and is a Member of Orthomolecular Medical Association of Australia.
Terry is the author of the book "Good Grief - Bad Time" '3Ways Of Coping With Loss', as well as a Counselor - (Member of Australian. Counseling Association) More information on Terry can be found at his website https://www.hope-health-group.com
This webinar looks at the many pathways to health and wellness incorporating over 50 years of experience in the field.
The webinar in via Zoom: Sunday the 11 April 2021, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia). Bookings via the ASCH website - https://www.asch.com.au - go to training, and click asch webinars to register.
This per-webinar interview is not intended to offer medical advice and does not imply or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment (or self treatment), for medical, physical or mental problems, either directly or indirectly. You must always consult your medical practitioner (doctor). The intent is to offer information (education), of a general nature.

Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
The webinar presented by Richard Hill.
Sunday, 28 February 2021, at 2.00 p.m. (Sydney, Australia)
The Art of the Client-Responsive Approach & the Elimination of Resistance - via Zoom
Visit https://www.asch.com.au/asch-webinars
"A client books in for therapy, pays in advance, travels to your clinic. She then fills out the paperwork, sits back in the chair, but is unresponsive to your efforts to induce or maintain trance and resists your best suggestions. What is happening here? That is what we will explore during this workshop. Ernest Rossi introduced me to the concept of client-responsiveness and we worked on it together for 15 years.
This is not about getting the client to be more responsive to you, but how to help the therapist be more responsive to the client! There are a number of contributions made in the field and we will explore some of their origins, but most importantly we will explore the origin of all therapies – the client. What can we do to develop our sensitivity, our observation and the nature of the way we respond? There will a variety of workshop activities to practice and experience the concepts". Richard Hill

Monday Apr 06, 2020
Interview with Dr Amanda Ferguson
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Dr Amanda Ferguson is a Registered Psychologist, as well as being a registered professional clinical hypnotherapist of the ASCH. Amanda treats a variety of conditions and processes as well as being an organisational psychologist, and is the author of the book "Life Works" and the CD "Life That Works:Meditation and Relaxation". Amanda works with corporations as well as groups and one one one in clinic.
Amanda is a Fellow with the APS College of Organisational Psychologists and has a Master’s Degree and PhD in Organisational Psychology.
Website https://drferguson.com.au